How to walk uphill properly when hiking.

hiking uphill

In this article you're going to learn to walk well when going uphill on your hike.
When walking uphill pay attention to this 3 points :

1- Pace :
the ideal pace is one where you're not out of breathe, some people even like a pace which allows them to have conversation whilst they are walking, if you can't find the right pace, you can try to match your breathing with your pace.
A classic pace is to breathe in for three steps, then to breathe out for three steps, but during more stenuous efforts you can try breathing in for two steps and breathing out for two steps. It's up to you to find your rhythem depending on the terrain.

2-Regularity :
To cover along distance going uphill, keep a regular ryhthem and take less breaks, this will help your heartbeat steady, if you are out breathe slow down your breathing, or shorten your strides, it's better to be slower and  regular than having a rhythem that is quick but jercky.

3- The way you place your foot on the ground :
You will lose up less energy if you use your ankles to move forwards to make the best use of your feet properly, first heel, and sole then toes, avoid climbing a slope on tiptoes.

Conclusion :
To walk uphill properly remember these 3 points : 
- Breathing rhythem
- Regularity
-The way you place your feet on the ground

source: sikana tv

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